Greensboro Satellite Campus

Winston Salem Campus


Barber/Stylist is taught in a program of 1528 hours or 44 weeks. It is broken up in three sections – classroom work, practical experience on the clinic floor and review work. The course is taught in the following sequence.

Classroom Work:

Reference: Milady Standard Of Barbering, 6th Edition, Milady Publishing Co; Bronx, NY 2020

Chapter 1 (Week 1) the history of BarBering | 2

  • Lesson Plan | 4
  • Chapter Review Questions and Answers | 7
  • Chapter Test and Answer Key | 9
  • Supplement | 13

ChapTEr 2 (Week 2) Life skiLLs | 14

  • Lesson Plan | 16
  • Chapter Review Questions and Answers | 20
  • Chapter Test and Answer Key | 22
  • Supplements | 26

ChapTEr 3 (Week 3) ProfessionaL Image | 30

  • Lesson Plan | 32
  • Chapter Review Questions and Answers | 36
  • Chapter Test and Answer Key | 38
  • Supplements | 42

SECTION 5 (Week 4) Part 2: General Sciences | 45

Chapter 4 (Week 5) infection controL: Principles and Practices | 46

  • Lesson Plan | 48
  • Chapter Review Questions and Answers | 55
  • Chapter Test and Answer Key | 58

Chapter 5 (Week 6) implements, tools, and equipment | 62

  • Lesson Plan | 65
  • Chapter Review Questions and Answers | 71
  • Chapter Test and Answer Key | 75

Chapter 6 (Week 7 & 8) generaL anatomy and Physiology | 78

  • Lesson Plan | 80
  • Chapter Review Questions and Answers | 84
  • Chapter Test and Answer Key | 89

ChapTEr 7 (Week 9) Basics of chemistry | 92

  • Lesson Plan | 94
  • Chapter Review Questions and Answers | 100
  • Chapter Test and Answer Key | 103
  • Supplements | 106

ChapTEr 8 (Week 10) Basics of eLectricity | 107

  • Lesson Plan | 109
  • Chapter Review Questions and Answers | 112
  • Chapter Test and Answer Key | 114

ChapTEr 9 (Week 11 & 12) the skin—structure, disorders, and diseases | 117

  • Lesson Plan | 119
  • Chapter Review Questions and Answers | 124
  • Chapter Test and Answer Key | 128
  • Supplements | 131

ChapTEr 10 (Week 13) ProPerties and disorders of the hair and scaLP | 133

  • Lesson Plan | 135
  • Chapter Review Questions and Answers | 141
  • Chapter Test and Answer Key | 144
  • Supplement | 147

SECTION 6 (Week 14) Part 3: The Practice of Barbering | 149

ChapTEr 11 (Week 15) treatment of the hair and scalp | 150

  • Lesson Plan | 153
  • Chapter Review Questions and Answers | 157
  • Chapter Test and Answer Key | 159
  • Supplement | 162

Chapter 12 (Week 16) men’s faciaL massage and treatments | 163

  • Lesson Plan | 166
  • Chapter Review Questions and Answers | 172
  • Chapter Test and Answer Key | 175

Chapter 13 (Week 17) shaving and faciaL-hair design | 178

  • Lesson Plan | 181
  • Chapter Review Questions and Answers | 185
  • Chapter Test and Answer Key | 188
  • Supplements | 191

Chapter 14 (Week 18 & 19) men’s haircutting and styLing | 193

  • Lesson Plan | 196
  • Chapter Review Questions and Answers | 207
  • Chapter Test and Answer Key | 209

Chapter 15 (Week 20) men’s hair replacement | 212

  • Lesson Plan | 214
  • Chapter Review Questions and Answers | 220
  • Chapter Test and Answer Key | 222

SECTION 7 (Week 21) Part 4: Advanced Barbering Services | 227

ChapTEr 16 (Week 22 & 23) Women’s haircutting and styLing | 228

  • Lesson Plan | 230
  • Chapter Review Questions and Answers | 234
  • Chapter Test and Answer Key | 236

Chapter 17 (Week 24 & 25) chemicaL texture services | 239

  • Lesson Plan | 242
  • Chapter Review Questions and Answers | 250
  • Chapter Test and Answer Key | 254
  • Chapter 18 (Week 26) haircoLoring and Lightening | 257
  • Lesson Plan | 260
  • Chapter Review Questions and Answers | 269
  • Chapter Test and Answer Key | 271

SECTION 8 (Week 27) Part 5: Business Skills | 275

Chapter 19 (Week 28) Preparing for Licensure and EmpLoyment | 276

  • Lesson Plan | 278
  • Chapter Review Questions and Answers | 282
  • Chapter Test and Answer Key | 284

ChapTEr 20 (Week 29) Working Behind the chair | 287

  • Lesson Plan | 289
  • Chapter Review Questions and Answers | 294
  • Chapter Test and Answer Key | 296

ChapTEr 21 (Week 30, 31, 32) the Business of BarBering | 299

  • Lesson Plan | 302
  • Chapter Review Questions and Answers | 308
  • Chapter Test and Business Plan Project | 310

Practical Experience On The Clinic Floor

Weeks One Through Forty-Four:

Students will be on the clinic floor each day and will be assigned various services as they become available. Students will be assisted until they become more proficient. Instructors will take note of their progress and grade them accordingly. During the course, students will learn to do tapered haircuts, shaves, facials, hairstyles, colors, bleaches, and permanent waves.

Final Exam:

Students will be given review work as needed from results of finals. Students will be given a practical exam which emulates the State Board Apprentice Exam. Students needing extra work in taper haircutting and/or shaving, as indicated on the practical exam, will be assigned extra practice. Senior students, assessed ready to pass the state exam, will be permitted to work on the clinic floor assisting others in practical work.